. From Madrid with honor!

Hello, my friends.

First of all I would like to thank Anton for choosing me to write about maybe the most important thing in my life. At least, one of the things that I am most proud of is being a Real Madrid supporter.

Some of you, that have travelled to Spain know me in person, but let me introduce myself to the rest. My name is Paco (shortname of Francisco in spanish) and my nickname is dycfan (dyc is the name of the most popular spanish whisky, so if I write nonsenses, I beg your pardon, it will be because of my love for the bottle.

I was born in Madrid many many years ago, and I´ve been always a Real Madrid fan, unusually, my father liked bullfighting more than football, but my mother has been Real Madrid fan since she was a children, maybe because her older brother was Atleti´s. When I was a small boy, my uncle took me to an Atletico game, it was my first time in a big stadium, and I got delighted for a while, but my mother discovered the malicious intentions of her brother, and next week she sent me with a neighbour family, all Real Madrid socios, and they took me to Bernabéu Stadium to see a game of Castilla (Real Madrid B), and that day I realized that I have chosen the correct team of my city.

Some years later, Real Madrid loose one Champions League final against Liverpool in Paris. I punched our old black and white TV, I broke the screen… and one of my knuckles too, my parents punished me for a month, but at least they had to buy a colour one. I hope never watch again my team loosing such an important final, but in that case I see myself using the remote control of a brand new LCD TV with my left hand.

When I was a teenager, I used to go to Bernabéu Stadium, but not very often, I´d rather go to a couple of big games a year (AC Milan, Atlético, barza) than to five regular ones, even if I had to queue for eight hours (in the eighties it was still possible to get tickets without being socio). Later, when I begun to earn my own money, I applied to get a socio card, an after a couple of years, I got it, I was a seventy-five thousand-something socio of my beloved club (three days ago they sent me my new card, now I am seventy thousand), maybe if I last until one hundred and twenty years old I could get a less than one thousand socio number.

With my brand socio card, I got tickets easily, but only for me, the rest of my friends weren´t socios, so I had to go to games on my own.

In one of that games, against “Beckham´s Manchester”, I was alone, surrounded by english supporters in the upper pitch of the stadium when a group of people called my atention, they were singing and cheering, with drums and banners, and they weren´t the famous “UltraSur”(the most famous Real Madrid firm, that scares me a little).

I got in touch with them by Internet, I went to some games with them, and I joined “O.V.92”, my firm, my “Sunday” family.

I got my “season ticket” through OV, so I can go to all the home games nowadays, and we use to travel to some away games every season, so that´s why Anton wants me to share this privilege status that I happily own with all of you, my Real Madrid colleague russian fans, and that´s what I will try to do the best that I can.


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